BMC Headwear specializes in several types of slouchy beanies and infinity scarves. The company was founded three years ago. “Really it started about five years ago with my love for beanies and never being able to find hats like I make in stores. So I bought a book one day and taught myself how to crochet. Soon friends began to make requests and that’s how I have developed so many styles today.” Explains company founder Brian McAlister. After a while Brian couldn’t meet demand anymore and sought out a company to duplicate his design styles. He started the business and the rest was history. It’s a classic story of jumping on a great opportunity and the BMC headwear range just released for Winter 2011; featuring a great selection of stylish gear. You can view/purchase via
Written by Sergiu
Hi, I'm Sergiu. I run TeeHunter. I make sure our team of t-shirt addicts have everything they need to bring you the best t-shirts out there.