Every story starts with the beginning! Their story started somewhere in 2010 with a mission : to bring clarity to all of the pixilation. It’s a story about a zombie from Los Angeles who started a brand as a means of channeling his true passion and avoiding being shoved into the mold that was crafted for him. They almost use the following phrase: “Ass-kicking apparel sure to reanimate even the deadest souls“.
Dead Era is a lifestyle brand that centers itself on the concept that culture is being usurped by technology and the death of the analog. “We’re staking our claim in the new frontier to bring back as much raw, unrefined life as we can. Our mission is to reanimate the souls that have been zombified” — breaking the mold that we are drawn into, and creating something new and fresh. Check out here their interesting presented story !
They don’t want to talk about the “zombie”, they try to keep it as mysterious as possible, but the Dead Era team is primarily one . — “I started it from scratch myself, and have a few people that help out.”-says the zombie!
“Dead Era has grown immensely in the last three months. Each step of the journey has been essential to our development. We’ve succeeded in some ways, and failed in others, but we are wise. We entered this project with the intention of bringing brands back to the people while restoring the raw and unrefined. This is our main mission, and in many ways we are doing better than we had ever expected.”
So now guys pick up your credit card to make a purchase, or visit their website, because everytime you do that you’re voting for them! Like them on Facebook, follow them on Twitter and check out their crazy ass kicking designs!
Written by Andreea
Hi, I'm Andreea and I'm the Editor at Teehunter.com where I showcase the awesome in "design" and "tshirts". You can reach me by commenting on the blog posts or directly at andreea'@'teehunter.com