Batman Vs Superman – Ben Affleck Vs Henry Cavill

by on May 29, 2014

It seems that the “Batman and Superman” movie poster seen in “I Am Legend”  is set to become reality as the sequel to Man of Steel. I know, it’s pretty sweet right? Batman V Superman won’t hit theatres for another year and a half which means we won’t be able to see footage for another year or so but news and rumors just keep popping up. And guess who’ll play as Batman. Nope, wrong answer, not Christian Bale but Ben Affleck. Yes, you read that right, BEN AFFLECK! He’s the new Batman. Maybe you didn’t like his role as Daredevil but he promises he’ll make up for it in this new movie.

So what is it with Ben Affleck that suits so well Directors Zack Snyder vision of Batman side by side with Superman? In a recent interview Ben spoke a little about why he eventually accepted the role:

“When they asked if I would be Batman, I told them I don’t see myself in the role and I was going to have to beg off. They said I’d fit well into how they were going to approach the character and asked me to look at what the writer-director, Zack Snyder, was doing. The stuff was incredible. […] It was a unique take on Batman that was still consistent with the mythology. It made me excited. All of a sudden I had a reading of the character. When people see it, it will make more sense than it does now or even than it did to me initially.”

So what’s your opinion? Are you eager to see Ben Affleck as the new Batman? Drop a comment and check out these tees in the meantime.

EDIT: Sorry guys but all the tees below are now Out of Stock :(

batman-logosuperman logo






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I have a t-shirt addiction, a craving for new RTS video games and a dream to become Captain America. I also grow my own beard so I'm kind of a big deal! :P

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