Textualtees – $5 T-Shirt Deal

by on Jun 26, 2014

Textualtees strikes again! High quality Tees and low prices aren’t enough for these guys, they actually felt the need to lower the price even more. FIVE dollar T-Shirts? Are they insane? Probably, but this also shows how much they love T-Shirts and their customers. Who can pass a deal as sweet as this?


Today’s Deal


Check out these Tees too!

2-Tardis_large Cold-Ass-HonkeyTshirt_large darthfiction_large I_d-Flex-but-I-like-this-shirtLRG_large I_mtrippingyouLRG_large Like-a-Boss_large The-Grandfather_large walter-white-laboratories_large

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I have a t-shirt addiction, a craving for new RTS video games and a dream to become Captain America. I also grow my own beard so I'm kind of a big deal! :P

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