My Neighbor Totoro is a Japanese anime about two young girls who move to rural Japan with their father, to be closer to the hospital their mother is in. One day one of the daughters follows two rabbit-like ears under the house and finds two magical creatures there. They lead her to a large tree where she finds a larger version of the magical creatures. The creature welcomes her with a few screams, which she understands as Totoro. She falls asleep on him, only to be found on the ground by her sister in the morning. When she explains what happened, her father, a professor tells her that Totoro is the guardian of the forest.
One day they are waiting for their father, and Totoro appears next to them. Since it’s raining, they give him an umbrella and in return he gives them some seeds and nuts. When they plant the seeds, hey find that it sprouted a giant tree.
I don’t want to spoil too many things from this point on, so let’s just check these 40 My Neighbor Totoro t-shirts!
Top 40 My Neighbor Totoro t-shirts:
Written by Saso
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. -Douglas Adams