Time to Get Creative: DHMIS T-shirts

by on Sep 30, 2015

Don’t hug me, I’m scared, or as a lot of people call it, What the hell did I just watch, is a video series started on Youtube that went very viral. The series feature 3 muppet like creatures who in a Sesame street kind of way discover and learn about things like Love, Time, Computers or Creativity. It’s all very nice and lovely until it turns into a nightmare for reasons not really known to the writer of this article.

The first video explores creativity. It has a very nice tune to it, and it’s all very lovely until things get a little bit too creative.

The second video explores the concept of time. Everything from the way we keep time, tell time, run out of time, the beginning of time, to the time…you die.

The third one is about love. Love is a beautiful thing. Unless you’re ugly. In that case it might turn out that you become a weird god-like thing that the creatures of the forest have to feed or you get angry.

The fourth one gets really weird. As if it wasn’t weird enough. Our three heroes want to know more about the world, so they start talking to a computer, who sucks them in, as computers do. It all gets kind of metaphysical when the broom guy becomes a real person in front of the camera.

The fifth is actually coming out, we just have a teaser for it, and they’re also looking for funders on Kickstarter to make a whole series. I’m not entirely sure that’s such a great idea.

I’d also recommend you watch this Youtubers react to Hug me I’m scared video.

And finally, I don’t know who would show this to kids, but they did it. Let’s enjoy.

If you want to give nightmares to people, make sure you grab one of these DHMIS t-shirts below!

Time to get creative: DHMIS t-shirts!

a sweater a sweater2

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DHMIS t-shirts get creative

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DHMIS t-shirts be stupid

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DHMIS t-shirts time is changing

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rb tony

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DHMIS t-shirts don't hug me

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future doesn't exist

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green creative

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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. -Douglas Adams

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