Silicon Valley T-Shirts: New season airing soon

by on Feb 15, 2016

Dear Erlich Bachman,

I’m probably the only one that missed you and that’s because you’re a douche but you’re my favorite character in Silicon Valley and I freaking can’t wait for it to air on April 24th, that’s a Sunday, can’t get any better than that.

Season 3 of Silicon Valley (24th April)

What to expect:
– Richard Hendricks is going to have a shot at getting his Piped Piper back.
– He has the support of his team mates, Bertram Gilfoyle, Dinesh Chugtai and Donald ‘Jared‘ Dunn. Yes, we had no clue about their last names either, we had to check IMDB.
– Erlich is probably going to speculate an event, something, somwhere and come out as the “savior”.
– Gavin Belson is still not winning, expect more freak outs from him. By the way, did you know that Google’s new Alphabet has a pretty solid pun?
– Nelson ‘Big Head‘ Bighetti is probably going to have a “life changing event” this season, someone interested in buying his yacht?

Silicon Valley t-shirts we’d love


As far as Silicon Valley t-shirts go, we can even come with some recommendations, most of them based on lettering design:

“Quality, Stability, Scalability”
Based on: “Even when his sobbing shakes the camera there’s no blocking at all, and the quality is great,” Gilfoyle marvels.

“I’m not gay, just busy”
— Richard Hendricks

“Cloud based disruptive platforms disrupting..”
— Erlich mushroom scene

“Making the world a better place” and Erlich’s face on the t-shirt.
— Erlich Bauchman

The mural painting as a full-print t-shirt
— Chuy

We’re working on some great t-shirts for you Silicon Valley fans, we already scouted a few but will update this frequently:


Erlich Bachman

from added by
$24.80 0.00

Pirates of Silicon Valley 90 HRS/WK

from added by
$23.34 0.00

I am Not Nerd (color Version)

from added by

Pied Piper – Silicon Valley

from added by
$25.84 0.00

Richard Hendricks

from added by
$22.40 0.00

Silicon Valley's Pied Piper Shirt

from added by
$22.40 0.00

Silicon Valley

from added by
$22.40 0.00


from added by
$25.20 0.00

Jared Dunn

from added by
$22.40 0.00

Erlich Bachman – Silicon Valley

from added by
$22.40 0.00

Silicon Valley TV Series

from added by
$26.87 0.00

Silicon Valley – Nelson Big Head Bighetti I kinda suck

from added by
$22.40 0.00

Sil-ICONIC Valley

from added by
$23.77 0.00

Tres Comas – Silicon Valley

from added by

Silicon Valley – Aviato

from added by

HBO Silicon Valley B2B

from added by

Silicon Valley Men's Hooli Logo

from added by

Silicon Valley – Erlich Bachman

from added by

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Hi, I'm Sergiu. I run TeeHunter. I make sure our team of t-shirt addicts have everything they need to bring you the best t-shirts out there.

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