‘Tis the most wonderful time of the year, but it is not because of jolly tree-chopping Christmas or lovely family-sparring Thanksgiving. Nope, it is because of Movember. Ever wonder why hundreds, if not thousands, of courageous men brave the dangers of hairy lips and creeper ‘staches just to participate in No-Shave November? Among other causes, people are using facial hair (specifically mustaches) to start a conversation about dying men. Through prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and depression, men are dying in numbers far too high. It has developed into a nationwide crisis. and the Movember Foundation seeks to address this tragedy.
Members of the Movember Foundation are actively organizing concerts, arranging races, and even coordinating motorcycles to raise awareness and collect donations to prevent the early deaths of young men. Christmas doesn’t do that and neither does Hanukkah, only Movember.
They sparked a movement across the country, and people everywhere are sporting the ‘stache for a good cause. Apparently we totally can’t agree on presidents or superheroes, but at least there is no question on where we stand with mustaches.
The Movember Foundation truly has transformed into a force to be reckoned with. It has worked miracles, improving the public’s awareness of cancer and suicide among men. A movement so powerful has garnered more than a few celebrity endorsements along the way.
The face of Disney himself is up for the mustache.
Then there are a few other animated advocates growing it out for a change.
The Hulk wants to SMASH prostate and testicular cancer!
Even the Galactic Empire agrees that something has to happen about men.
In all seriousness, the shockingly high death rate in young men has reached epidemic proportions. It is scary and it is real. But the Movember Foundation is affecting real change, aiming to reduce the number of premature deaths in men by 25% in less than fifteen years. Get in the holiday spirit and make a donation today because everything really does count.
Now go out there sporting a mustache on your face (it doesn’t even have to be your own, feel free to find one and steal it) and a Movember t-shirt on your back (please don’t steal those), and tell the world to save its men.
Written by Parco
Sound addict, word enthusiast, and ardent advocate of the Oxford comma.