2016 Election T-shirts That Sums Everything Up

by on Nov 09, 2016

So I guess God forgot to bless America today. Turned on the TV today to end up with a broken heart, literally.  And not really because Trump is the president the people have voted for but because I had no idea there was so much hatred in this world.  I had no idea that that there was that much hatred, sexism, racism, homophobia, and bigotry in America.

Between Brexit and then this, the world as we know it no longer exists. All I know is I want no part in that kind of hatred.

It’s a sad day for America, followed by a really terrifying next 4 years. Like President Obama said “This has been an exhausting, stressful and sometimes downright weird election for all of us..We’ve been through tough and divisive elections before and we’ve always come out stronger for it.” Below you have a curated 2016 Election T-shirt collection that sums it all up.

Today’s joke, or maybe not :(
Americans are remembering 11.09 and since today, they will also remember 09.11…

Enjoy your lunch before America turns into Gotham City.

Nasty Woman T-Shirt

from TeePublic added by

Nasty Woman Vote T-Shirt

from TeePublic added by

Nasty Woman T-Shirt

from TeePublic added by

Nasty Woman | Funny, cute & nerdy shirts

from added by

For those who have not fully comprehended the outcome of tonight… America just became a dictatorship. So while you sit and cheer and celebrate “this win”…chew on that fact, because rest assured the repercussions will eventually be felt by you too, not just the minorities, Muslims and immigrants you so despise.

I guess it’s up to Captain America now, to save us all.

drumpf university

from TeePublic added by
$20.00 0.00

Shame T-Shirt

from TeePublic added by

Drumpf ( Red )

from TeePublic added by
$14.00 0.00

Besties Trump Tee

from added by

BONUS CONTENT: 11 Not My President T-shirts HERE.


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Hi, I'm Andreea and I'm the Editor at Teehunter.com where I showcase the awesome in "design" and "tshirts". You can reach me by commenting on the blog posts or directly at andreea'@'teehunter.com

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