Lego Batman & Beyond! 28 Awesome Block Knight & Friends T-Shirts

by on Jan 10, 2017

It’s that time of year where film companies release the cream of the crop for award considerations. And though I’m sure I’ll see my fair share of those films, the one I am most looking forward to this winter is The Lego Batman Movie.

Like most people, I was surprised at how good the original Lego Movie was (and was shocked that it did not get a nomination for best animated movie that year). It was a fun mash-up of characters, but the one who stood out the most was Batman.

Now, I’ve always been a Batman fan. I’ve loved them all from Adam West (heck even Robert Lowery from the 1940s) to Christian Bale. (And we’ll just stop right there.) I’m fine with Batman being played with laughs, and who better to bring those laughs than Arrested Development alumni, Will Arnett.

There’s no doubt he killed it, because he’s about to carry an entire movie by himself… and with a little help from his former onscreen nephew, Michael Cera, playing Robin.

And something tells me, Zach Galifianakis as the voice of The Joker will give Mark Hamill a run for his money.

Before The Lego Batman Movie swings into theater, you may want to check out some of these awesome Batman t-shirts I dug up:

The best part of Batman is his menagerie of villains. I’m sure we’ll see a good number of them in this film. And who knows? Maybe in the future we’ll see a Lego version of the Knightfall story, when Bane releases all the bad guys from Arkham Asylum.

I’m sure some of Batman’s other friends will show up. The trailer already alludes to frenemy Superman.

Maybe Marvel will try to cash in on the Lego frenzy by having some of their characters appear. Though Spider-Man would be the great subject for a solo Lego movie.

Or the Avengers!

It would be fun to have Deadpool there to break the, uhm, brick wall….

Maybe Starlord and the Guardians of the Galaxy will drop in and bring some fun tunes.

The Star Wars characters have already gotten plenty of Lego treatment, and they were hinted at in the Lego Movie, so it would be great to see them on the big screen, either with Batman of a story of their own.

And while we’re at it, why not bring Star Trek into the fold?

You could mix all the Star Trek generations/crews. Then they would have to do the same thing with Doctor Who. You could have all generations of The Doctors appear in one story.

And while in space, I hope they run into Space Man! Space Ship!

Who knows, maybe in the future, Lego movies will expand out of the sci-fi and superhero genres. My vote would be a Quentin Tarantino series:

If all goes well, I’m sure we’ll see a series of Lego Batman movies. He may not be the hero we need, but he’s the hero we deserve.

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I am an award-winning playwright/novelist/screenwriter/blogger. I enjoy comics (Batman, Fantastic Four, X-Men), movies, music (Gothic, Industrial, 80s), reading and yoga.

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