30 T-Shirts You Gotta Have From 30 Movies You Love

by on Feb 17, 2017

Twins – Born To Be Bad


Nothing says late-80s-early-90s retro like colorful triangles and mixed font design. Arnold was still in good shape when they filmed this movie. He would’ve pulled off any T-shirt at the time. When you buy this one, you gotta get it in size LSL (little sister large). That way it will show off your muscles.

Beverly Hills Cop – Mumford Phys. Ed. Dept.

The guy who made stealing a house a thing, Axel Foley also made wearing the Mumford phys. ed. dept. shirt something people wore. They did. You caught the reference only if you were cool. You could be cool again… when you rock this tee.

Pineapple Express – Shark Cat


Don’t ask silly questions. It means a cat that lives in a shark, clearly. Anyone who doesn’t recognize your sweet T-shirt from Pineapple Express is nobody you should trust. That person probably would recognize a triumphant comedy if it leapt at them from the mouth of a shark.

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