Rick & Morty T-Shirts That’ll Make You Say “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub”

by on Apr 28, 2017

What do we want?

The next episode of Rick and Morty! 

When do we want it?

*Distant sobbing* 

…To be fair to Adult Swim, the next episode of our favorite satirical, fatalistic cartoon is being drawn and animated as we speak. It’s set to air sometime this summer, but the date hasn’t been pinned down yet.

Rick and Morty is hailed as the most depressing comedy cartoon on television right now.  It’s the story of a somewhat deranged and sociopathic scientist who takes his grandson on adventures around all of time and space…with lots of satire, booze, and sex jokes.

Still not sure about it?

It’s like South Park meets Family Guy meets Back to the Future…with the sort of theme song that’ll make Doctor Who fans say: “…wait…

No. Really.

Some people think it’s awesome. Other people hate it. What’s undisputed is the voice acting is phenomenal and the humor is jet, jet black.

Rick takes Morty on all sorts of questionable, life-threatening adventurers, including inside a homeless man’s internal organs, through the dreams of several zany characters (all to get Morty an A in math), and to dimension after dimension to find supplies for Rick’s insane inventions.

Is Rick a sociopath? We don’t really know. Some of the show’s most disturbing moments feature points in Morty’s life where Rick gets him hurt and then doesn’t seem to care because “I needed those seeds, Morty, for science, Morty!”. We can sit there and condemn Rick and say he’s a terrible person, but we keep coming back to the series nevertheless.

The best part of the show, however, is probably the way the characters are undeniably, recognizably human. We all know people who resemble Morty’s family: the teenage sister, the parents who fight all the time but still somehow make it work, the math teacher we all hated as kids, the school bully – the show’s writer draws on figures we can easily point out. Morty himself is the sort of kid we can associate ourselves with sometimes. He’s pretty, well, average, but he’s doing incredible things that he often isn’t so sure about…but he always seems to try to do the right thing, no matter what crazy situation Rick’s got him into.

Honestly? That’s pretty great.

What do you love about Rick and Morty? Excited for the next episode? We are too! While you wait in agony for it, why don’t you check out the rest our awesome Rick and Morty t-shirts? We’ve got a ton:







Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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