22 Daenerys T-Shirts You’ll Feel You Can Conquer Westeros In

by on May 22, 2017

So, who else is totally psyched for Season 7 of Game of Thrones?

After what feels like forever, our Khaleesi is finally, finally on her way to claim the Iron Throne with three enormous dragons, a horde of Dothraki Screamers, and an army of Unsullied and Ironborn in tow. There’s nothing that can stop her (except maybe the Night’s King).

In the beginning of the story of Game of Thrones, little Dany is the underdog. She’s a pawn for her older brother, Viserys’, schemes. Married off to a powerful Dothraki Khal, she seems to be little more than a political chesspiece. From the get-go, though, Danaerys starts to build her own fate. She wins over Drogo, plans on having a kiddo who’s prophesied to rule the world, makes a couple mistakes, and by a twist of fate, finds herself in control of her own Khas and three baby dragons.

Now, she’s anything but an underdog. Dany swept across the East, from the Grassy Dothraki Sea to Qarth, and onward to Astapor, Mereen, and Yunkai. She’s Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. She’s racked up titles like some of us rack up Starbucks receipts. Oh, and she’s got both the Spider and Tyrion on her side. If the Season finale was any indication, she’s probably got Dorne in her pocket, too. Asha and Theon have pledged their ships to her cause so long as she helps them take the Iron Islands, so we know what’s first on her list to conquer.

She’ll have plenty of enemies in Westeros awaiting her arrival. We’ll see if her Targaryen pride is her downfall. Danaerys might be under the assumption that she has the loyalty of most of the Houses of Westeros, but we know the truth. The lords of Westeros owe loyalty to one thing, and one thing only: themselves. Dany might not find her conquest of Westeros so easy, even if she does have three dragons and has a legal right to the Iron Throne.

Danaerys is a pretty awesome character. There’s no shortage of great Dany tees on the market. These are the sort of tees that you’ll be proud to wear, that truly do homage to the greatest Khaleesi that has ever lived. Danaerys is on her way to conquer Westeros and take the Iron Throne, and in these tees,  you’ll feel like you can, too.

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Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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