Tyrion Lannister T-Shirts: Father of Dragons

by on Jun 17, 2017

“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you.” – Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones.

In exactly a month, Game of Thrones Season 7 airs. HBO has begun its countdown, airing one season a week until the pilot hits television screens across the world. It’s the most anticipated show of 2017. Who’s ready?

Here at TeeHunter, we’ve got a countdown of our own. We’re highlighting some of our best Game of Thrones tees. Last week, we pulled out some of our best Sansa Stark tees. This week, we’re talking about a Lannister. Specifically, Tyrion.

Tyrion is one of the most beloved characters on Game of Thrones. He’s witty, he’s sarcastic and salty, but he’s also compassionate and empathetic. He knows how to play the Game, but he still manages to be a decent human being while doing so.

We felt Tyrion’s pain when he heard his father say that he’ll never inherit Casterly Rock, even though its his by right, simply because he’s a dwarf. We cheered him on at the Battle of Blackwater, when Tyrion gave that epic speech saying “I may be half a man, but what does that make the lot of you?”. We sat with baited breath while he went on trial for the murder of Joffrey Baratheon. We followed him to Meeren, and watched him join Daenerys and her quest for the Seven Kingdoms.

Tyrion hasn’t changed a lot over the series, but our perception of him has. He was likable from the start. We just weren’t sure if we could trust him. Now, we know that he’s one of the main characters of Game of Thrones. He might even be a Targaryen. If Tyrion doesn’t survive the show, we riot.

He’s smart, he’s witty, he’s brave, and he knows how to run the city. Now, he’s Hand of the Queen. Westeros, watch out. Tyrion’s coming for you, and he’s on the side with the dragons.

It’s safe to say that he’ll probably win.

We don’t know yet just what role Tyrion will play in the battle with the Night’s King. Every character is likely to be a part of it. The Night’s King is coming for them all. Winter is coming for them all. It’s likely Tyrion will have to fight alongside Dany and Jon in order to save Westeros. Does that mean he’ll ride a dragon? We hope so.

Tyrion might have made a few mistakes throughout the series, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t a good person. He’s been through a lot. He’s survived more than anyone ever thought he could. He’s not the hero that Westeros wanted, but he’s definitely hero Westeros needs. Ride on, Halfman. We’ll ride with you.

Most of the tees we’ve collected feature some of Tyrion’s best quotes, but there’s some other cool designs in there, too. Don’t leave without checking them out. You won’t want to miss this lot, trust me.

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Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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