17 Captain America T-Shirts For Every Patriot

by on Jul 04, 2017

It’s July 4th!

Today’s the day to play some great music, spend some time with your family outside, and celebrate America in the most American way possible: by making tons of delicious food and blowing stuff up.

People wear all sorts of crazy things for July 4th. Some go all out with American Flag pants, or with a fun hat, or a crazy sun-tan. Other people wear a t-shirt.

If there’s any type of t-shirt that deserves to be featured on a holiday like this, it’s a Captain America t-shirt. Luckily for you, we have a whole bunch on hand.

Captain America was created at a time in the USA’s history when we really, really needed a hero. He first appeared in comic-book form in 1941, the year that the United States first officially entered World War II against Nazi Germany. The war was fought not only ‘over there’, but also right in American homes. People bought war bonds, rationed their food and other supplies for American soldiers, women went back to work en-masse for the first time since the Victorian Era, and the government did all it could to encourage people to support the war effort.

Characters like Captain America inspired people to keep fighting, they were a unifying force in an uncertain time in American history. Unlike some other characters from that era in history, though, Captain America has remained popular ever since he was first created.

Enough about the history. Let’s just take a minute to appreciate Steve Rodgers, because Steve Rodgers, though. As far as fictional characters go, I don’t think there’s a more patriotic person among them.

There was really no other person who could have been a good Captain America. Steve Rodgers began as a weak person who knew what it was like to be frightened and powerless. He respected the power that being Captain America gave him, and he vowed to use it for good: to defend other people, and to fight evil. He consistently sacrificed his life for other people, in fact, it’s kind of a defining trait of his.

Even though he was originally created to be just another propaganda piece, that doesn’t mean the idea of Captain America isn’t one worth upholding. He fought for justice, stayed merciful, and always sought to do the right thing, and that’s definitely the kind of hero we need right now, don’t you think?

Whether you’re really in to the new movies…

…Or you’re more in love with the original,

These tees are bound to bring out the patriot in you.

Happy July 4th!

More Awesome Captain America T-shirts:

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Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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