Whedon Fans, Assemble!: 26 Tees From the ‘Verse

by on Jul 24, 2017

Whedonverse fans, unite! 

Joss Whedon has to be one of the best-beloved screenwriters among geeks everywhere. Whedon has given us incredible shows, like Buffy the Vampire SlayerFirefly, and Dollhouse. He’s written and directed Agents of SHIELD, as well as Avengers: Age of Ultron,  and even wrote the screenplays for beloved childhood stories like Toy Story, Atlantis: the Lost Empire, and Titan A.E.. 

With such soaring credentials as that, we couldn’t help but make a whole post completely dedicated to this titan of nerd-dom. We’ve got tees from all around the Whedonverse. How many of his shows and movies have you seen?

Firefly & Serenity

Whedon might be famous for abruptly killing off favorite characters (Wash, buddy, you deserved better), and his shows are notorious for being either ended too early or forced to go on too long, but that doesn’t mean we love his creations any less.

Firefly was so well-received that we were outraged when it was cancelled after just one season. The fans were so outraged, in fact, that they couldn’t help but crowdfund a movie that helped tie up some of the loose ends that Whedon never got to finish in the show. We get it. We love Firefly, too. In fact, we made a whole collection to show just how much we love the show. We’ve got some of our best Firefly tees below, but don’t miss the rest – there’s tons more!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Then, there’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show had a good run. Some even consider Buffy to be Joss Whedon’s magnum opus. It’s just so good.

Buffy’s the reluctant teenage hero, off to fight vampires while dealing with all sorts of teenage angst, heartbreak, and drama. The episodes are incredibly memorable (especially that time when the show turned into a musical and left us feeling very concerned about conspiracy theories having to do with bunnies).

Buffy and her crew were just the sort of strong, intelligent, awesome characters that we’ve come to expect from Joss’ writing. He’s famous for creating characters that resonate with us, whether that’s because they’re badass women, like Buffy or Zoe or River Tam; or because they’re lovable and relatable, like Wash or Topher; or because they’re on a journey that we don’t quite understand, but want to see the end of, like Mal Reynolds – we don’t care.

They’re all great.


And then there’s Dollhouse.

Dollhouse, on the other hand, was a much heavier dystopian story that was basically about underground human trafficking. It’s one of Whedon’s more obscure works, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any less worth watching.

The show dealt with all sorts of gritty questions, like the question of identity, free will, god-complexes, and human nature. Echo’s character arc, Elle’s gray morality, Alpha’s insanity – these were complex subjects, and Whedon absolutely nailed them. Every Whedon fan should watch Dollhouse at least once.


We couldn’t talk about Joss Whedon without mentioning his incredible contributions to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The guy literally wrote and directed an Avengers movie.


Not only that, he also created Agents of SHIELD. How cool is that?

Age of Ultron was hands-down one of the best Avengers movies to-date. Whedon expertly handled all of the characters and the enormous plotline he’d been handed. It was filled with witty one-liners, gut-wrenching character backstories, and, of course, sudden deaths.

Agents of Shield follows everything going on behind-the-scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Joss works with his own set of cool characters who fight aliens, monsters, and large-scale corruption in the world so the Avengers have time to take on the bigger, badder guys. Oh, and they do all of that under the radar so the general public doesn’t panic. It’s awesome.

What’s your favorite creation of Joss Whedon’s? Let us know in the comments! Don’t forget to check out other cool tees we’ve collected from things Joss has worked on. You won’t want to miss these:

And lastly:

Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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