22 School T-Shirts Every Student Can Relate To

by on Aug 15, 2017

College is supposed to be the best time of your life, right?


Some college kids spend the whole time partying. Others spend the whole time studying their butts off in hopes of getting a good job later. Most of us are somewhere in between, though, trying to juggle our coursework and our social lives, attempting endless ways to make ramen ‘exciting’, avoiding the ever-growing pile of laundry on our floor in hopes that we won’t have to spend the quarters, and seeing if a clothes’ iron can successfully heat leftover pizza.

College, man. It’s a blast, amirite?

Between the anxiety about student loans and the debate about whether or not it’s worth trying to catch your professor during their office hours to explain that math question that you’re really, honestly, truly stuck on, we’re pretty stressed out people. Often, college looks a lot like this:

Or this:

Though, let’s be honest: that last tee is reserved for those super-students who really do do nothing but study all day. I mean, you could wear it to motivate yourself – but be prepared for the mantra to be mostly wishful thinking.

How do you know what to study? What if you need to ask your professor an important question? Worry not: every professor will give you this one, predictable answer:

All in all, even when you don’t quite get around to doing all the studying and homework that you meant to do, don’t be too hard on yourself, keep those good vibes going, try to stay focused, and you’ll probably turn out okay in the end.

Besides, that bachelor’s degree is going to be worth all of that time you spent going to class, studying, taking tests, stressing out about tests, eating food you smuggled out of the school cafeteria, and all those student loans you took out to get here in the first place. That bachelor’s degree never goes away. It’ll always be there as a reminder of everything you’ve accomplished. It’ll be useful later. Right?

As the new school year starts, maybe you’re totally ready to go. Maybe you don’t want the summer to end. Either way, cherish this time while you have it. Even though you have coursework you’re responsible for and professors you have to answer to, and parents to go home to during your breaks – you’re still relatively free.

Once college ends, that all changes. One college ends, the game of loans begins.

Are you ready for Fall term? Get ready with any and all of our student tees. If you found these relatable, then you’ll love the rest below. Or, you can check out even more super relatable student tees at our Game of Loans Collection.

Keep calm and keep studying!


Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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