This Youtube Channel Turns Favorite Movies Into 8-Bit Art

by on Aug 09, 2017

There’s just something about 8-bit art that is undeniably awesome. Maybe it’s the nostalgia. Some of our best childhood memories were made with old 8-bit art games, like Castlevania, Legend of Zelda, Dragon Quest, and Final Fantasy. The invention of the NES in the 1980s and all of its subsequent 8-bit games were revolutionary for gamers everywhere. Some of us got our start in those old 8-bit games, and we still have a very fond place in our hearts for them.

Well, one Youtube channel, CineFix, decided to put two great things together to make an awesome thing. They took favorite films, like Star Wars, Spirited Away, Donnie Darko, and others – and turned them into 8-bit art! It’s a winning combination. The videos even have retro versions of the films’ themes. Check them out for a huge dose of nostalgia:

Star Wars

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

Kill Bill

A Christmas Story


Spirited Away

Army of Darkness

Sin City

Finding Nemo


Forrest Gump

Mad Max: Fury Road

Donnie Darko

Pan’s Labyrinth

What do you think CineFix should “gamify” next? Which one of the videos is your favorite? Leave us a comment and join the discussion! Love old films? Don’t miss our classic film collection of tees from all your favorite old movies. We’ve got a Studio Ghibli collection and gaming collection, too.

Love 8-bit art? Why not put it on a t-shirt? We’ve got a whole bunch we think you’ll love.

Cool 8-Bit Art Tees:


Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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