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It’s that time of year again.
While it’s never fun to see summer come to an end, there is an upside to it: Back To School shopping. Whether you’re going to school or not, Back To School season is one of the best times of year to shop for clothes. Between thousands of new styles and designs being released and all of the awesome sales that take place, one can load up on enough new t-shirts to last the year.
Count Redbubble amongst the brands that are releasing new designs and offering great deals for this Back to School season. Redbubble was born in 2006 in Melbourne, Australia. Their dream was simple. Give independent artists a meaningful new way to sell their creations. Today, they connect over 400k artists and designers across the planet with millions of passionate fans.
Entering the giveaway is simple, and you can do so daily. Bonus entries are received for sharing the giveaway so be sure to share away!
The prizes go like this:
1st prize: $125 gift code
2nd prize: $75 gift code
3rd prize: $50 gift code
Good luck!