Announcing the Winners of the Goodie Two Sleeves $400 Giveaway

by on Sep 20, 2018


The time has come.

We’ve reached the end of summer and are into Back To School season. This means that it’s time to announce the winners of the Goodie Two Sleeves $400 Giveaway.

For those who don’t know about Goodie Two Sleeves, they launched in 2002 when two teenage friends decided to start selling t-shirts from the back of their car. They set out to make hilariously awesome t-shirts without getting crude. They now deliver t-shirts all over the world and are even #1 in Antartica. If you love clean, funny, soft, t-shirty goodness, you’ll love Goodie Two Sleeves!

You can check them out here: Goodie Two Sleeves

Now for the winners…

1st Prize ($250 value): Monica McCarthy of Phoenix, AZ.
$100 store credit, 4 Sad T-Rex Dinosaur tees (choose any 4), Sad T-Rex backpack, Sad T-Rex lanyard, Dinosaur Goodie Pack

2nd Prize ($85 value): Brianne Armstrong of San Antonio, TX.
2 Sad T-Rex Dinosaur tees (choose any 2), Sad T-Rex backpack, Sad T-Rex lanyard

3rd Prize ($60 value): Cheryl Ross of Hendersonville, NC.
1 Sad T-Rex Dinosaur tee, Sad T-Rex backpack, Sad T-Rex lanyard

Congratulations! We’ll be contacting you shortly.

SALE: 50% Off at TeeTurtle

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I'm a bad man.

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