The Redbubble $300 Holiday Giveaway

by on Dec 02, 2018

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As fun as the holidays are, the spending that takes place this time of year can get a bit tiresome.

Redbubble wants to ease your pain.

This awesome brand that connects over 400,000 artists from all over the world is looking to spread a bit of holiday cheer. To that end, we’ve teamed up with them to bring you the Redbubble Holiday Giveaway. Three winners will be randomly selected to win a prize package of $300.

The prizes go like this:

1st prize: $150
2nd prize: $100
3rd prize: $50

The winners will be announced after Christmas, which means three people will be celebrating Christmas just a bit longer than everyone else.

Entering the giveaway is easy and bonus entries are received for sharing. It’s the season of giving, so let’s do exactly that.

Good luck!

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I'm a bad man.

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