St. Patty’s Day: T-Shirts Spotted on the Streets

by on Mar 18, 2017

When St. Patrick’s day rolled around, we knew we needed to have the latest and greatest from our T-Shirt brands. It is one thing to promote cool St. Patty’s day t-shirts but it’s a whole different thing to go out and see exactly what people are wearing. So, we took to the streets. Our Park City, Utah team recently acquired and we’ve dedicated our time to improving all things TeeHunter and sourcing the latest and greatest from the t-shirt industry. With out office located at one of the largest resorts and most popular tourist attractions in the country, how could we not document the local scene of St. Patrick’s day. We strolled over for a little apres at the closest resort bar and documented the St. Patty’s day scene. We’ve gathered real time people celebrating all that is Irish. Check out these ever-so-spirited St. Patty’s day fans. Cheers!


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