18 Badass Jon Snow T-Shirts For the King in the North

by on Jun 03, 2017

In just a little over a month, Game of Thrones Season 7 airs. HBO has begun its countdown, airing one season a week until the pilot hits television screens across the world. It’s the most anticipated show of 2017.

Last week on TeeHunter, we covered our favorite fan theories for how we think Season 7 is going to play out, and showcased 22 Danaerys t-shirts. This week, we’re zeroing in on the White Wolf: Jon Snow, The King in the North.

Just like Dany, Jon’s come a long way since the beginning of the show. He had no idea what he was getting himself into when he took the Black and joined the Night’s Watch. We’ve watched him grow up, make friends, fall in love, lose his love, fight the White Walkers and win, join with the Wildlings, fight the Wildlings (it’s complicated), lead the Night’s Watch, die, come back to life, and leave the Night’s Watch.

Now, he’s back at Winterfell, joining his sister, Sansa, to hopefully unite the high lords of the North to fight against the coming army of White Walkers. The Wall won’t hold forever. Winter’s here, and the Night’s Watch, the Wall, and Winterfell are all that’s left standing in between Westeros and an impending horde of ice-zombies.

Jon’s doing his best. He’s got much of the North behind him now, but convincing the Southron lords that the Night’s King exists and he’s coming for Westeros isn’t going to be easy.

…And then there’s that matter of Petyr Baelish.

Baelish doesn’t look too happy that Jon and Sansa are in control of the North. He wanted that throne. It’s likely that Baelish is going to make a move on Jon in Season 7 in attempt to take the throne back for himself…especially if Sansa keeps refusing his marriage proposal. It’s yet to be determined whether or not Jon will be able to handle that distraction. He’s not likely to die again, but Petyr’s meddling may cause someone else’s death (possibly Davros, Melisandre, or even Brienne).

PHOTO: Bustle

Even with Petyr’s meddling, I can’t think of another person who’s better suited to rule Winterfell in the coming long Winter. Jon has been taught from a young age how to rule, just like the other Stark siblings. Ned never neglected him and never treated him differently than Rob or Bran or Rickon. Jon has shown us that he’s perfectly capable of ruling. He was able to manage the Night’s Watch well enough (even if he was killed for it). He’s a great strategist and has all sorts of intel on the White Walkers.

Jon might not be that great at politics, but that’s okay. He’s got Sansa by his side, and she’s been groomed for politics since Season One – first by her mother, then by Cersei, and finally by Petyr. Sansa can worry about all the delicacies of court, and Jon can focus on managing the coming storm. Together, they’re the perfect team.

It’s almost guaranteed that Jon will survive Game of Thrones. He’ll probably even be sitting a throne by the end of it, whether that’s the Iron Throne or simply the seat at Winterfell. Want to see Jon win? Can’t wait for Season 7? Don’t despair. These badass Jon Snow t-shirts will tide you over:

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Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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