Monthly Recap for Featured Brands – October 2013

by on Oct 31, 2013

What’s new at Teehunter?

[interview email=”” text=”Last month Sergiu talked about the new identity of Teehunter, this month I will share a sneak peak of the new Teehunter logo. Before that i’m proud to announce that I’ve written a guest post for the guys over at Inspired Magazine called Why should you let professional handle your t-shirt designs? Sounds fancy, huh? I’ve thrown a few tips and advice there, hopefully you’ve picked up some of them. Guess how the logo looks like!”]



What’s new at the brands we love!

This month we’ve welcomed 3 more brands: TeeTurtle, 5 to 9 designs and Jack of all Trades Clothing!

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Teeturtle was founded in 2012 by designer RamyB to scratch your insatiable itch for cute, funny, nerdy, popculture-y shirts. As they change and evolve, they have made it their priority to ensure that there is always a real person who can help you with whatever you need. Take a look for yourselves!

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Jack of all Trades Clothing!

Jack of all Trades is quickly becoming recognized as the go to clothing brand for everything pop culture. Every day they look for ways to develop new designs across their large portfolio of trendy licenses that include brands like Marvel, DC Comics and various other pop-culture icons.

Since the new Thor movie hits theaters on November 8th, they’ve come up with an awesome collection of Thor designs! The newest addition to this collection in particular is Loki – Boss design!Loki_Thor_Banner_v2

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5 to 9 Designs!

5to9designs is a lifestyle brand based around the idea of an “off hours lifestyle”; a combination of the concept of leisure and the saying “if you love what you’re doing, you never work a day in your life.”

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Mahesh Mistry is the owner and creator of 5 to 9 designs, he’s recently graduated from Northeastern University and he’sbeen designing and printing shirts for the last 4 years for other people and student groups. When creating this brand, they wanted to create something that epitomized living your life to the fullest and getting rid of the 9 am to 5 pm grind of work. So they took the idea of the common work day and turned it on its head, hence the name 5 to 9.


The guys over at SixSix have came up, since it is Halloween, with a Halloween pack. That includes a snapback, a tanktop and a bandana, all beautifully priced at €55.00!

Recently I’ve bought 2 beanies from them, one white and the other one black and I’m absolutely in love with them! I have pics, take a look!

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The Moon Life Clothing!

Trick or Treat? How about a sweet treat of some free shipping on all orders now through 11-04-13 at midnight!? Use discount code SAMHAIN when checking out!

Moon Life have recently added new t-shirt to our gallery! Check them out here!  We encourage all brand to do so!



That’s all folks! See you next month, hopefully with more awesome brands like these ones here!

Written by

Hi, I'm Andreea and I'm the Editor at where I showcase the awesome in "design" and "tshirts". You can reach me by commenting on the blog posts or directly at andreea'@'

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