Dutch Football Federation, 2010 FIFA World Cup tshirt. It was created by a bunch of creative minds at an advertising school called Willem de Kooning Academie in The Netherlands.
Sadly this amazing tshirt is just an advertising concept and isn’t currently available to buy. That said, the internet being the internet, look out for knock-offs and imitations soon! This was discovered by the awesome Ads of the World site.
After spending awhile searching for this specific design we came up empty handed. Seems like there isn’t anyone out there printing this tee. But don’t lose your faith, in our search we found something else that I’m pretty sure you guys will love, flip over tees.
Check out Top 10 flip over t-shirts you can actually buy.
Written by Sergiu
Hi, I'm Sergiu. I run TeeHunter. I make sure our team of t-shirt addicts have everything they need to bring you the best t-shirts out there.