Teehunter X Tom Trager – Interview

by on Sep 26, 2014

This Friday Tom Trager from Teepublic accepted my invitation. Check out his T-Shirts and what we talked about.

Tell us a little about yourself (Where are you from? How old are you? ect).

My name is Tom Trager, I’m a graphic designer and comedian from Israel, I’m 26 years old but mentally I’m about 5.


What got you interested in t-shirt design and how long have you been doing it?

I just love graphic design and I wanted to learn how to make a good t-shirt, I never expected to make any money out of it. It’s weird.

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Do you have any formal background in graphic design or are you a self-taught artist?

I’m self-taught, being a geek has it’s benefits, such as staying home on Friday nights, learning how to vector art while others are partying.

RestoreSanity DetectiveQuotes

What was your first tee design that you created? What was the first design you sold? Show us some pictures!

I really don’t remember actually, it’s been three years. I can barely remember what happened at the beginning of this sentence I love bananas.
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Describe the general process you go through to design and realize a piece of work?
MrChips2_display GrandConsultingDetective_display
An idea pops into my head and then I can’t rest until it’s done. Sometimes it works out, sometimes I sit under my desk crying.
Do you have any wisdom you’ve learned along the way you’d like to share with other aspiring artists?
GameIsOn_display BreakingBeavis2_display
Just make! Make a l lot of stuff! See what catches on, never give up, hang in there, two birds are better… then…um… what other Clichés are there? Did I get them all?
ExtremelyVolatileMockUp1_display Misbehave2_display

Written by

I have a t-shirt addiction, a craving for new RTS video games and a dream to become Captain America. I also grow my own beard so I'm kind of a big deal! :P

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