DotA 2 Playing Tips for Newbies and Experienced Players

by on May 27, 2015

I have seen people stuck up badly in dota 2. The quotation “practice makes a man perfect” works for them in lower skill brackets but as they progress and reach for higher ranks and skill brackets, they are doomed. In my vast Dota gaming experience, I have learned some tips and tricks that can largely fuel your overall gaming progress.
Let’s dive in.

DotA 2 Playing Tips for Newbies and Experienced Players

11. Keep in mind: Every hero has his own role!

While selecting a hero, a small icon besides it suggests the type of hero you are going with. You must be well aware that there are four main important roles of a hero; support, carry, mid and ganker. Support keeps his team alive by buying wards and courier and thorough sacrifice and healing. Carry is a weak hero during the early part of the game, but after enough farm, he can be as potent as any other hero in DoTa 2. Mid plays in middle lane and lastly, ganker fights in the form of gangs and harasses his contenders.

Note: Staying alive should be your first priority during early part of the game so stick to items such as tangoes, shields and clarities. Never opt for bottle unless you are playing mid.


10. Don’t panic

You might be playing DoTa for the very first time and believe me, the next 50 games you play will be a total disaster. It takes time to get your hands and mind adjust to something new and complex. There are three “don’ts” you must follow here. Don’t panic and curse your team mates. Don’t say sorry if you have done something wrong just because you are new. Don’t waste your time typing rather than hitting.

9. Why are you afraid of TP scrolls?

I know you have been taught by so called pro-gamers that buying TP scrolls is a waste. Sit back tight and let me convince you that TP scrolls can be the best clever thing you ever bought. It gives you two folds advantages. Firstly, it provides you a way out to escape to your base and heal up. Secondly, it allows you to switch between different lanes for a surprise gank attack.

Added benefit: If you die, buying a TP scroll will get you back to your lane.

8. The great boots mistake

I know you are among the two types of DoTa players; one who don’t buy boots at all and one who buy it as their first item. You have to take a balance approach here. Buy boots because they are important but not so important that you buy it as your first item. Circlets, Gauntlets of Strength and Iron branches should be your first priority at the beginning of the game.

7. Don’t make large adjustments

Large adjustments and changes compel you to redevise your way of playing and shift your core understanding of the game to something distracting and confusing. Make fine and precise adjustments like trying Arcane boots instead of Mekansm On Chen After Boots or participating in team fights after 20 minutes rather than 15 minutes.

6. Runes are awesome!

DotA 2 Playing Tips for Newbies

There are couple of things you need to remember about Runes. Firstly, they respawn after 2 minutes. Secondly, an enemy glowing blue indicates that he is equipped with a rune. Thirdly, you can bottle up rune and store it for later use.

Note: Illusion runes are more important than any other. You can tower dive with it!

5. Don’t fight uphill

Fighting an enemy that is situated at a higher ground level is probably the biggest mistake. More than 25% your attacks will be missing their targets thereby leaving your opponent in a favorable position.

4. Detection items are vital

Hiding yourself and exposing your hidden enemies is a vital part of the game. Dust will expose the hidden enemy units while smoke will hide you from enemy’s visibility. Smoke can turn the boards around. Use it as your last option and take your enemy by surprise.

3. Wards and courier

7112-dota2_f2pcourier DotA 2 Playing Tips for Newbies

Wards and courier are important to stay alive for longer time. You might be thinking that the only way to get courier is by going back to the base yourself and spawn it. No. While you are in the lane, right click on the courier and drop it from stash. Now, your team member can go and spawn it for you.

Wards has to be replaced from time to time due to their less life span. Place ward on the big giant eyes you see and buy sentry wards if you are up against invisible heroes. Moreover, jungle creeps will not spawn if you have placed wards in the enemy’s jungle.

2. Don’t feel reluctant to ask for help

If you are stuck up somewhere and feeling shy to contact someone who is an experienced DoTa 2 player, listen to me very carefully. You are not asking for a date! Feel free to ask people around about their strategies and techniques.

1. Auto attack is a bad option

I am finalizing the top notch DoTa 2 playing tips with this short yet very efficient trick. Don’t auto attack the creeps. Instead aim for gold and stick to the same position initially. Being a newbie, the most dreadful mistake you will make is pushing hard and trying to be over-aggressive. You will end up with nothing except low health.

Note: Kill your own creeps when they are just about to die in the hands of others. This will save some bonus gold for you that would have been taken away if the enemy had made the last hit.

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Hey guys! My name is Junaid and I'm a med student. In my free time I'm a gamer and a TV show fanatic.

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