Seventh.Ink just released a capsule collection titled ‘Gods & Goddesses Series 1’. The series revolves around three designs based on a the Greek gods: Zeus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite. The series includes shirts, laser engraved book boxes, tank tops, hoodies, die cut button packs, and belts based off of these designs including. All of these items are limited and once they’re gone, they’re gone folks. The best choice would have been the ‘Book Box Combo Sets’ which included a laser engraved wood box and shirt, limited to 7 of each design. These sold out almost immediately. However, you can still order all the other items here.
Written by Sergiu
Hi, I'm Sergiu. I run TeeHunter. I make sure our team of t-shirt addicts have everything they need to bring you the best t-shirts out there.