Obama T-Shirts To Rock the (White) House

by on Aug 19, 2016

In a mere six months or so, Barack Obama and Co. will be headed out of office.  He and his family have spent the past eight years (eleven years if you include the campaign trail and the U.S. Senate) shining in the spotlight, remarkably avoiding any major scandals.  He promised the best, and he delivered.  But after so much time in office, it will have to be weird to walk amongst the peasants again.  Even President Obama wasn’t sure what he would do with all this new free time…

Many Americans are reluctant to see the Obamas go, and at least 54% seem to think Barack is doing alright.  With November’s Election Day quickly approaching, Clinton and Trump are getting all the news these days, and the First Family has stayed off center stage.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t still show a lil bit of love for our most hip president.


This guy is a classy rendezvous between serious underdog (shown here working his best N.W.A. impression),


trendy politician (seen here literally dropping the mic),


and stoic leader (who looks like he can double as a Vogue model).


He is a family man and a role model, powerful yet humble, smart but honest.  Whether you think of him as a lionhearted superhero


or a rugged badass,


he will definitely be one for the history books.  And he always had his own way of doing things, adding that signature flair to every (dubiously legal) executive order.


But we can’t forget Big Time Barack’s right-hand man and BFF.  He rocks aviators like nobody’s business.  His thumbs are never pointed anywhere but up.  He was the 2016 Democratic candidate that never was but should have been.  Of course, we are talking about the one and only Joey Biden!


And we’ve got to give a special round of applause for Barry’s main chick.  She’s beauty.  She’s grace.  She’s First Lady of the United States, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama.



Since she has assumed the position as America’s Mom, Michelle has been a positive role model for women across the country, and she has taken a strong position on exercise and nutrition, advocating for a healthier United States.  So all the “whole grain” snacks in schools is her fault.michelle-obama-79663

But even though we are being force-fed kale now, America still loves her.


Some people love her a little bit more.


And some people love her so much that they plagiarize a couple paragraphs from one of her old talks for their own speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention.  Some people.


But Michelle kept it classy as always, and she even upped her game at the DNC a week or so later.


But America really does have to hand it to the Obamas.  Even though they are a pain in the


every now and then, they have done a pretty good job overall.  Whether its fat kids, poor fat kids, or sad poor fat kids, Barack and Michelle have made a difference in this nation.  So without any irony or sarcasm, we officially offer our deepest appreciation.


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Sound addict, word enthusiast, and ardent advocate of the Oxford comma.

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