17 James Bond T-Shirts That’ll Make You Feel like a Total Boss

by on Feb 20, 2017

Who doesn’t love James Bond?

Do you love James Bond?

‘Course you do! There are two types of people in this world: people who love James Bond, and liars.

Nah, I’m just kidding. You don’t have to love James Bond, but you can’t deny he’s a badass. And what person among us doesn’t want to feel like a badass? Not me, not you. Well, never you fear! We’ve got tees for every occasion, and it just so happens that we’ve got a plethora having to do with everyone’s favorite British secret agent.

The legend of 007 goes all the way back to the 1950s. 1953, to be exact, which explains the secret agent’s dapper style. A writer named Ian Fleming wrote twelve novels and two short-story collections, and we’ve been captivated with James Bond ever since.

Q has been in 21 out of 26 Bond films. Though he never appeared in any of Ian Fleming’s novels, Q does appear in later novels written by John Gardner and Raymond Benson. Q always has had a fatherly concern for James Bond’s welfare, and he has a thing for gadgets. Q’s the head of the “Q Branch” – the research and development section of the British Secret Service.

There’s a lot of really famous tropes surrounding James Bond. I mean, “Martini, shaken, not stirred” is practically a classic.

…And we’re all familiar with the trademark line: “Bond, James Bond”. Admit it, you read it in your favorite Bond voice, with that inflection: “Bond, James Bond”. If you’re ever feeling bored, just put on this T-Shirt and start introducing yourself that way. Instant boredom recovery. You’ll feel like a total boss.

There’ve been six actors to play James Bond in the Eon series. So far, the Bond films are the highest-grossing film series to-date. They began in 1962 with Sean Connery, and as of this year, Eon Productions has made twenty-four out of twenty-six Bond films.

Spectre’s the most recent out of all of those, and probably one of the most famous Bond films ever. It stars Daniel Craig, and the actor is no stranger to the role. He’s been James Bond four times. The film follows James Bond’s takedown of the global crime organization, SPECTRE, and it has all of those Bond tropes we know and love.

Like an awesome, over-the-top villain…

A sweet ride…

And his weapon of choice.

Which Bond film is your favorite? Spectre? Skyfall? Casino Royale? Or do you go for the classics, like Dr. No?

No matter what sort of Bond fan you are, these tees are sure to tickle your fancy. They’ll make you feel like you could take down a super villain. No matter what danger or intrigue you might encounter, these tees will have your back.

Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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