Who Wore It Better; Animal Or T-Shirt?

by on Mar 06, 2017

Print t-shirts with cute animals on them is nothing new, but with our modern imaging and printing techniques, we’re so next level. Today’s print t-shirt animals jump off your chest.

Could t-shirts replace pets in the future? It might sound crazy but think about it. You get all the cuteness of a real pet, slung over a warm body, yours or someone you love, with none of the hassles.

To be sure, I’ve put some images to the test, animals vs. t-shirts. To make it fair, I’ve presented these to a panel of unbiased judges. I had nothing to do with these outcomes, I swear. Let’s see what happens.

Kitty Cat Wearing A T-Shirt

Check your pulse if you don’t see the cuteness crammed into this shot. You don’t even have to like cats to recognize this kitten is serious about his t-shirt. That has to be the smallest t-shirt ever made, and the sleeves are STILL too long for kitty. Sooo cute.

T-shirt Wearing A Kitty Cat

Unfortunately, T-shirt wins this round. The kitten is cute, but the t-shirt is going to attract all the right attention. When you wear this t-shirt with the kitty in the pocket, people will know you’re a lover. People like lovers. Be a lover.

Pug Wearing T-shirt

Aw, lookit. So cuuute. This li’l pug barely fits in his witto blue t-shirt. Surely he’s the winner of this competition.

T-shirt Wearing A Pug

Nope. The t-shirt does it so much better. Not only do you get the cute Pug, printed like that guy is gonna leap out. You also get the comfort of a cottony t-shirt to wear with just about any outfit.

Black Lab Wearing A T-Shirt

In fairness to Roddy the Lab, this t-shirt doesn’t fit. It’s obvious he’s unhappy by the expression on his face. Who wouldn’t be in that sloppy old t-shirt? Still, his big eyes up the cuteness factor. There’s a chance he could win.

T-shirt Wearing A Black Lab

Look how lifelike that black lab’s face is on this t-shirt. He’s not sad. He’s stoked to be on your chest. This is the best way to give props to your pup and let the world know that not only are you a dog person, you’re a black lab person. Win.

Orangutan Wearing A T-shirt

At the risk of sounding petty, this orangutan is more of an autumn. I wouldn’t have chosen Grover-blue. Something in a mint or even banana would have matched the hair color better.

T-shirt Wearing An Orangutan

Again, the shirt takes it. This is one of those shirts where you’ll want to consider the environment before putting it on. People are going to fawn over you when you strut rockin’ an orangutan on your belly. Expect random pedestrians to rub your tummy as you go. Who needs a tan when you’ve got an orangutan? You’re sexy.

Boxer Wearing A T-shirt

Sooo meta. It’s a boxer pup, wearing a t-shirt of a boxer. It doesn’t get much cuter than that, right?

T-shirt Wearing A Boxer

It doesn’t… unless we’re comparing it to this t-shirt with a boxer on it. This is the clear winner for this round of who wore it best. The t-shirt knows exactly how to don the boxer face, realistic, kissable. Everyone who sees you in this shirt is gonna know you’re a boxer fan, but the lover kind, not the fighting kind.

Yorkie Wearing A T-shirt

The smallest dogs on the planet are Yorkies. There’s a whole subculture of Yorkie and teacup Yorkie fans who spend their days dressing up tiny dogs in tiny outfits. They have pages and pages of web images and calendars to make your Aunt Lynn have cute-gasms for days. (Sorry ’bout the image of your Aunt Lynn.)

T-shirt Wearing A Yorkie

This is a cute, t-shirt, but this round goes to the actual Yorkshire Terrier in the first image. There’s simply nothing better that holding a tiny dog until it falls asleep. That said, you should still get this shirt so you can wear it while you hold a sleeping Yorkie. Solved.

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