We’ve done the impossible, and that makes us mighty. – Mal Reynolds.
Firefly is, arguably probably one of the most-mourned cult TV shows in history. It lasted for a brief, single season. That season was awesome, but Joss Whedon’s masterpiece left us with more questions than answers. Fans demanded a sequel. They demanded it so loudly, in fact, that they were able to crowdfund a feature-film, Serenity, which more or less tied up many of the questions we had about the Firefly universe, but by no means did it answer all of them. Now, we’ve got an awesome original comic series to enjoy that has added to the expanding universe, but we still have so many questions. What is Blue Sun really up to? Why did Wash have to die? What is Inara sick with? Will the Universe ever be free from the government’s iron grip? Where did the Reavers go, and when will they strike next? Who was that bounty hunter guy, anyway?
There’s no denying that Firefly is well-worth watching, if not for its convicting characters and awesome plotline, then for its incredibly quotable one-liners.

PHOTO: Imgur
Firefly took human life in the future and made it real and gritty. It’s a space western. It’s a dystopian sci-fi story. It’s a zombie flick. It has so much going for it, and no matter how many more additions Joss Whedon manages to fund and add to the Universe, we will always want more.
We love Firefly just as much as you do, and we’re still in denial about the show’s cancellation. That’s why we’ve gone around the web and collected all the best Firefly t-shirts into one place, to alleviate the overwhelming post-Firefly depression. You can wear a t-shirt, and forget about your sorrows. So have a look, and if you know of a shiny Firefly t-shirt and don’t see it here, then help us out by submitting it so we can add it the collection.