17 Witcher T-Shirts You’ll Feel Like You Can Battle Monsters In

by on Jan 22, 2017

So, I came pretty late to The Witcher game series. What can I say? I’m such a diehard Elder Scrolls fan that I had to spend a few years just exploring the wilds of Skyrim first. Besides, Wild Hunt is freakishly expensive and bills are a thing.

This Christmas, though, I finally bought it for myself, and I have to say I’m utterly hooked and its literally eating up my life. I guess that’s what I get for being the kind of gamer that immerses herself in fictional worlds from the get-go.

Playing The Witcher is a lot like reading a book or a movie. The game is so plot-intensive and jam-packed with gorgeous music, fantastic gameplay, incredible voice acting, and visuals that are just to-die-for, that it’s hard not to get sucked in. My roommate kept getting distracted from what she was doing just to watch me play! (She’s a gamer, too, and we’ve definitely made plans for her to “borrow” it).

I think we can all agree that Roach is, hands down, the best video-game horse ever created as far as video game horses go. Usually, mounts in video games are more trouble than they’re worth. Roach is almost another character altogether, and, like a good horse should, he makes travel more convenient, rather than less-so (Skyrim horses, I’m looking at you and the hours I spent trying to find you after I’d tangled with a saber cat, only to realize that you’d ran off and gotten yourself killed).

…And then there’s Ciri. I’m not even very far into the series and it’s obvious this girl’s a badass. Like, the butt-kicking, monster-slaying, child-saving, potion-creating type of badass.

So far, though, I think my favorite part about The Witcher is the unique lore the game was based in. The game is based on the fantasy novels written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, and the world of The Witcher is clearly based in Eastern European folklore. I find it fascinating, especially considering that not many stories delve into folklore from that part of the world. The folklore lends the books and the game their own unique, distinct flavor that you can’t find anywhere else.

I haven’t finished much of The Witcher: The Wild Hunt, but I’m loving every second of the game I’ve played, and I can’t wait to see what else the series has to offer.


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Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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