90s T-Shirts For Those Who Lived In The Best Decade Ever

by on May 01, 2017

The 90s was a magical time to grow up. Those of us who grew up in the 90s are some of the most nostalgic people on planet earth. We witnessed the rise of the internet, the shift from classic gaming to the modern gaming we know and love today, hundreds of amazing cartoons, movies, and books of the likes that we’ll probably never see again, weird fashions, the obsession with neon, and Justin Timberlake’s majestic ramen noodle hair (90s kids know what I’m talking about!).

Who else remembers the time when you had to play your Gameboy by the light of each passing street lamp on long car trips?

Other kids merely adopted gaming. We were born into it, raised by it. We fought our older brothers for controllers, or– if we were that older brother, we were always player 1.

We grew up with the best games:

Other kids will never know how suddenly cool you were when you broke out your Pokemon deck, or the struggle of using a cable to trade Pokemon back and forth on your Gameboy.

They’ll also never understand just how cool you were in school if you could draw this on the back of your notebook:

Or the struggle of waiting for the internet to kick in so you could log onto chat to talk to your friends.

When the internet wasn’t working, you were a master of this game, always trying to beat your high score:

On Saturday mornings, you sat down with your bowl of cereal and watched all the best cartoons.

And when the internet was down and nothing was on TV, we always had the best books to read.

We were expert sleuths:

And we had the best pets:

Once a 90s kid, always a 90s kid. Our dreams and love for the classic games, toys, books, and cartoons will never die. We were the last generation to spend most of our time playing outside with the other kids on our street. We’ll never forget the horrors of purple ketchup, or the joy of cruising down the street on our gold razor scooter. We had the best childhood ever, and we’ll fight anyone who argues differently.

How many of the rest of these ’90s t-shirts do you recognize?


Written by

Elizabeth is a Portland-based freelance writer, who spends her time playing with her cat, blogging, working on the three-billion writing projects she has bouncing around in her brain, tutoring kids in writing and reading, and perusing the streets of Portland, looking for the best coffee shops and book shops.

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