19 Rogue One T-Shirts – A Star Wars Story, You Rebel!

by on Jul 18, 2016

Rogue One T-Shirts that you’ll absolutely love

How many times have you watched the new footage from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story that was released as part of Star Wars Celebration last Friday? Pretty awesome, isn’t it? Made you forget all about those re-shoots they were talking about a couple of months ago, right?

I admit, when I first heard about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, I didn’t feel there was any need for it. We know what’s going to happen (Spoiler Alert: They get the plans!). So what was the point? Besides making money, of course. The new footage may not have given me the reason for this movie, but it did show that it’s going to be a wild ride inside a world that was established almost 40 years ago.

It’s great seeing familiar scenes and characters along side new locations and characters. That scene with Stormtroopers attacking on that topical planet was just stunning.

But dang, we still have 5 months to go before Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is released. (And let’s hope that’s enough time for the re-shoots to make the movie even better.) But I don’t think it’s not too early to get a jump on picking up some Rogue One t-shirts. There are already a few out there. You can start with a basic logo shirt:

Or a throw back to the Kenner style:

Or something a little more original:

There’s sure to be some great catch phrases in Rogue One. (Will somebody say “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”?) It’ll be months before we hear them, but there are some already quotable lines from the original trailer:

The symbol for the rebels is more in the forefront of the artwork than ever before:

You can get a quote with the rebel symbol:

Or go all the way with the symbol, quote and logo:

Here’s a couple of other cool designs:

When it was announced that Disney would be making new Star Wars movies and not 20th Century Fox, I wondered how weird it would be to have a Star Wars movie begin without the 20th Century Fox fanfare. I feared Disney would ad some opening logo filled with the magic castle and Mickey Mouse. But no, they just stuck with the basic Lucas Film logo that we’d become accustom to. So it was not too jarring.

But now, I wonder will these side stories open with the classic, “A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…”

And will it have the traditional logo and classic Star Wars crawl?

Hoping the movie has some good behind the scenes of the building of the Death Star. It is sure to have more character in this movie that the original Star Wars.

So continue re-watching the new footage and counting the days to the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Anything to distract us from counting the days until Episode VIII!

Keep on rebelling!

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I am an award-winning playwright/novelist/screenwriter/blogger. I enjoy comics (Batman, Fantastic Four, X-Men), movies, music (Gothic, Industrial, 80s), reading and yoga.

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