Sambatees – Music T-Shirts with an Art Beat

by on Jun 03, 2016

The founders of Sambatees, a musician-turned-entrepreneur and an artist, grew up in the 1980s and 1990s collecting band t-shirts and other music merchandise. From Metallica and Pink Floyd to Bob Marley and The Doors, they had tees for all moods and occasions. Over the years though, having reached certain “artistic maturity” (hey, they’re still young) their taste for music apparel evolved… into a business! Andre and Rafael decided to put music and design together to make unique music-themed t-shirt art.

The perception was that things hadn’t changed much in the music t-shirt industry in the past decades. According to them, the culture of music tees has not evolved as many would have liked. Most music apparel is still limited to classic themes of bands, artists, festivals and concerts, with simplistic designs. They decided to change that.

In their first collection, Music Genres, artist Rafael Doria crafted beautiful music tees that pay tribute to different styles. Each t-shirt design captures the soul of a genre through movement, attitude, and rhythm, and is offered in four slick colors that purposely make design stand out over background.


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Hi, I'm Sergiu. I run TeeHunter. I make sure our team of t-shirt addicts have everything they need to bring you the best t-shirts out there.

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